Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fw: Cost-cutting measures aren't the shot in the arm banks had hoped

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From: "Financial Services Roundtable SmartBrief" <fsround@smartbrief.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2014 08:18:01 -0500
To: <mainandwall@hotmail.com>
Subject: Cost-cutting measures aren't the shot in the arm banks had hoped

Financial services sector unsure on Clinton | Browser-based fraud continues to threaten banks | Secret Service arrests Russian man for allegedly hacking retailers
Created for mainandwall@hotmail.com |  Web Version
July 8, 2014
Financial Services Roundtable SmartBrief
News for financial services executives

Top StorySponsored By
Financial services sector unsure on Clinton
As Hillary Rodham Clinton eyes a run for president in 2016, her need to handle a populist surge has left financial services groups unsure of where she will stand on industry issues. Clinton was willing to work with all stakeholders as a senator, but she left the Senate as the financial crisis reached its lows, said Francis Creighton, executive vice president of government affairs for the Financial Services Roundtable. "As an industry, we're not sure how her views have evolved over the last five years on what we do," he said. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (7/7)
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Top Five Ways Marketing Teams Benefit from Box
Learn why over 225,000 companies rely on Box to manage campaigns with ease, streamline workflow, and collaborate from anywhere, on any device at any time. Box allows marketers to manage campaigns and marketing materials with version control and commenting in a single space without shared drives, flash drives or email attachments. Download the free white paper today!

Browser-based fraud continues to threaten banks
Recent warnings about the Bolware malware that targets a payment system in Brazil have put a spotlight on browser-based fraud and its threat to banks and their customers. The technique, relatively easy for hackers to create and difficult for banks to fight, inserts a fake bank interface into a user's browser, collecting information and giving hackers the ability to make transactions and use the victim's computer to commit other fraudulent acts. BankInfoSecurity.com (7/7)
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Other News
Going Global: Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses
Social media is creating new avenues for merchants to promote their companies at a low cost. However, before business owners decide which social media platforms to use for marketing, they need to know more about available options and why they should choose one social media channel over another. In this white paper review some of the most popular options. Download the free white paper now.

Industry WatchSponsored By
Cost-cutting measures aren't the shot in the arm banks had hoped
Layoffs and other cost-cutting measures that banks have undertaken since the financial crisis began have failed to offset the rising expenses of higher pay packages and compliance with government regulations. This has left banks looking for further ways to cut costs and boost revenues. The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model) (7/7)
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Commentary: Regulation makes money transfers costlier
Consumers who send money to family overseas are paying more for the service because of added regulations that have led some banks to stop offering the option altogether, writes Anne Wallace, senior director of consumer financial services for the Financial Services Roundtable and president of ITAC. The regulations are hurting the very people who are supposed to be the targets of efforts to bring more people into mainstream banking, she writes. Financial Services Roundtable/The Exchange blog (7/7)
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Basel Committee might increase capital requirements for banks
Changes under consideration by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision could require banks to raise and hold more capital than currently required. The rules could tighten the latitude banks have in assessing the risk of their assets and might restrict them from automatically designating certain assets, such as government bonds, as very-low-risk assets, sources said. The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model) (7/6)
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Justice Dept. taking aggressive approach to financial crimes
Leslie Caldwell, the new head of the Justice Department's criminal division, says the agency will be "appropriately aggressive" in its efforts to crack down on financial crimes. Financial Times (tiered subscription model) (7/6)
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U.S. accuses AmEx of anti-competitive practices
Rules that American Express imposes on merchants accepting its cards restrict competition with other card issuers, prosecutors said Monday at the beginning of an antitrust trial that could last eight weeks or longer. AmEx says the rules are necessary to fight the "duopoly" that Visa and MasterCard hold over the market. Bloomberg (7/7)
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The Business Case for an Equity Management Solution for Private Companies
This research study for privately-held companies measures the ROI of the purchase of a comprehensive, SaaS-based equity compensation management solution that automates stock option administration, capitalization tables and financial reporting needs. Download the report to assist in your own analysis and to provide a framework and hard data for determining ROI sources and quantification.

The Latest from Capitol HillSponsored By
Commentary: Fannie, Freddie languish under government mismanagement
Government mishandling of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's conservatorship is wreaking havoc in the mortgage market, William Isaac writes. Because of the destabilizing environment, investors are putting money elsewhere to the detriment of Fannie and Freddie, he writes. The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model) (7/6)
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CFOs: Is your department a catalyst for rapid growth or a speed bump along the way? Effective analytics-based modeling and forecasting give you the power to drive your business forward with precision and confidence. This CFO Guidebook will get you started.

Retirement Security
Advisers want help handling Social Security decisions
Financial advisers need better information to answer questions from clients about claiming Social Security benefits, according to a study by Practical Perspectives and GDC Research. About 3 in 4 advisers plan to seek software or online tools, additional information about Social Security and other forms of support during the next 12 months, the study found. InvestmentNews (free registration) (7/7)
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Thought Leadership
CSR 2014 Company of the Week: M&T Bank
M&T Bank
(M&T Bank)
M&T Bank has awarded scholarships to eight middle school students graduating this year from Westminster Community Charter School, a well-established public and private partnership based in Buffalo, N.Y. Read more.

For more information, please contact Judy Chapa, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility, at 202-589-2419 or judy.chapa@fsroundtable.org.
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Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier."
-- Mother Teresa,
Albanian-Indian nun and missionary
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