Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fw: How a good leader makes people feel safe

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Subject: How a good leader makes people feel safe

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This week on
May 24, 2014

Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe

11:59 minutes · Filmed Mar 2014 · Posted May 2014 · TED2014

What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety — especially in an uneven economy — means taking on big responsibility.

Playlist of the week

Graduation…now what? (10 talks)

After you swing your mortarboard tassel from right to left, watch these talks on success, creativity and goal-setting (plus a few handy lifehacks). Watch »

Total run time 2:36:11

More from

Civilians don’t miss war. But soldiers often do. Journalist Sebastian Junger shares his experience embedded with American soldiers at Restrepo, an outpost in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley that saw heavy combat. Giving a look at the "altered state of mind" that comes with war, he shows how combat gives soldiers an intense experience of connection. In the end, could it actually be "the opposite of war" that soldiers miss?  Watch »

Wes Moore joined the US Army to pay for college, but the experience became core to who he is. In this heartfelt talk, the paratrooper and captain explains the shock of returning home from Afghanistan to civilian life -- and finding no one to talk to. It's a call for all of us to ask veterans to tell their stories, and to listen. Watch »

Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of adversity, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he's met in the years since. In a moving, heartfelt and at times downright funny talk, Solomon gives a powerful call to action to forge meaning from our biggest struggles. Watch »

What's a marine biologist doing talking about world hunger? Well, says Jackie Savitz, fixing the world's oceans might just help to feed the planet's billion hungriest people. In an eye-opening talk, Savitz tells us what’s really going on in our global fisheries right now — it’s not good — and offers smart suggestions of how we can help them heal, while making more food for all. Watch »

TEDGlobal 2014 lineup preview!

Robotics pioneers, favela painters, a crusading journalist -- check out the TEDGlobal speakers.
Plus: an exclusive TED Talk from Mischa Glenny: Three things the world needs to know about Brazil right now.


Quote of the Week

Where you have an expenditure of public money, and it is without accountability and it's without transparency, it will always be equal to corruption — whether you're in Russia or Nigeria or Alaska."

Afra Raymond
Afra Raymond: Three myths about corruption

Join the Conversation


  Wow! What a beautiful and inspiring speech!
As in his other speeches, Andrew has a very humble and humane way of reframing human experience. It's a breath of fresh air to watch how he forges meaning from painful experiences.
All I hope is that his message is spread all over so that each person finds peace and purpose in building identity and practicing empathy!"

what we fear

In space, at sea, on a stage -- and in our everyday lives -- how do we face our fears? Hear from Chris Hadfield, David Blaine, Karen Thompson Walker and more on the new TED Radio Hour »



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